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Friday, July 13, 2018

Evangelism 101 #non-cellular

Evangelism 101 #non-cellular

A great new way to do evangelism is to purposely travel without your phone.  We are told we need a phone in the case of emergencies.  We are told that the phone will allow people to help us if we have a problem.  I know this may sound offensive, but you do realize that the world functioned for around 8,000 years without phones.  

My son and I are working on a motorcycle project. It came time for the test drive. I was going to ride around the block (3.6 miles).  I am supposed to take my phone in case there is a problem.  I intentionally left the phone at home.  The motorcycle stopped running at 1.6 miles.  Stranded! Stuck on the side of the road! Oh no! I simply sat there for about 15 minutes counting the cars who would not stop and help me. I would hold my hand up like I was on a phone and motion for them to stop.  The 20thcar stopped.  They let me use their phone, no one answered my call.  They gave me a ride home.  His name was Tommy.  I told them I was the pastor at the church up the road and I invited them to church on Sunday.  

If I had taken my phone the gospel opportunity would never have happened.  Leave you phone at home on purpose every now and again for a real emergency.  People are going to hell and unless someone points them to the Savior they will be eternally lost under the wrath of God.  

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